Extend your IT Lifecycle
The life cycle of products on the IT channel becomes gradually shorter, as a result of manufacturers eager to place new hardware parts on the market. Generally, the life cycle of IT-products includes a manufacturer's warranty valid two years after the acquisition, upon the expiration of which the manufacturer sends you offers for factory-new products or for a warranty extension.
However, after a few years, the product is labelled as „End of Life (EOL)“ by the manufacturer. This puts an end to the service and any warranty extension. TOP TEN offers you the possibility to considerably extend the life cycle of your IT products. Some of the disk and tape storage products, which are available from stock, have been EOL for decades, according to the manufacturer.
Through contracts of maintenance, we can ensure that your IT system will continue to run, and thus save you from expensive new acquisitions. Should the capacity of your storage units not be sufficient enough, we can also offer you an upgrade.
The costs for updgrading your equipment with used products, as well for an optional maintenance contract, are clearly lower than those of a new-acquisition. Because our products require a substantial amount of support, feel free to contact at any time our experienced sales team at +49-89-899616-0 or by emailing us at shop@toptenstorage.com.